I Do the Best Imitation of Myself

“Look, I’m in shock, I have a blanket!” August 26, 2011

Filed under: Journal — lizzyroo @ 1:03 pm
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I have been at school for two weeks, but it feels as though I have been here for months. So many old habits have sparked upon my return: my paranoia of white hairs, my inability to take a break, my fear of turning into a soulless drone. As is typical of the lifestyle at this school, I wake up early, go to class, and do homework until bedtime. So many people find ways to make this tolerable. They have mastered procrastination. They thrive on it. Things may come easily to them, or they may just not care. All in all, they have a life.

However, it has never been so simple for me. As the world’s biggest over-analyzer, I am aware of my flaws, but unable to fix them. I know, and have no problem admitting, that I get by on hard work rather than genius. I know that I am a perfectionist and slow worker, so I put too much effort and time into the simplest assignments. I know that when I have a random burst of thought, I will interrupt a conversation just to put it out there. I know that I have the tendency to say awkward things, and ramble once I start talking (especially about myself). I know that many of my sentences are run-ons. And I know that I tend to go off on a tangent when I write. I was actually going to write about how my sentimental longing for school has disappeared, and how I will have to push through until graduation. But that thought process has been pushed aside.

I had to peel myself away from doing homework (on a Friday night) to write this. But before you gape in amazement at my unyielding work ethic, I’ll tell you a little secret: at times, I am too lazy to travel across the room unless I am in a rolly chair. So all of this makes me wonder- what makes a person so versatile in their productivity? [Stop giggling. I’m not talking about the sexual kind.]

Take me, for example (because you know that I love to talk about myself). I have already painted a pretty detailed picture of how school life is. I pay attention in class, take detailed notes, and do homework until I’m ready to pass out. I’m not proud of it. Seriously, it’s a meaningless life. During the first few days of class, I was miserable. I’m still doing the same thing, but it’s not so miserable anymore. I just bounce around and get it done. There is one thing, for the super-working-robot-people, that makes school slightly more tolerable. I (creatively) call it The Things List. These are big and small time commitment things to do when one feels that their life revolves around school. It gives me a jolt of perspective, and reminds me that fun still exists. I made this list with my awesome opossum roommate, and here are some of the things on it:

  • Go to a park
  • Take the city bus to a restaurant you’ve never heard of in an area you’ve never been
  • Do homework outside
  • Read a fun magazine article
  • Listen to an emotional song and belt it out
  • Draw a picture
  • Take a long shower
  • Watch a funny video
AND, my favorite instant happiness activity:
  • Have a Liz Lemon dance party. Just watch the video. Come up with the worst moves possible. Just go with it.
And… this post is far too long. I may (or may not) continue with my train of thought next time. Hasta luego!